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At New Zealand Financial Brokers Limited (NZFB) we are committed to providing you with excellent customer service and quality products. If you believe that we have not delivered in a particular area we would like to hear your comments.

If you are not fully satisfied with the services provided by a member of NZFB, please contact your financial adviser or New Zealand Financial Brokers Limited (NZFB)

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction or you do not wish to contact the people who provided your initial service, you can contact us using the following methods:


Complete a Feedback Form


*Free Call: 0800 904 600 (within NZ) or +64 4 385 8448 and ask for the complaints officer.






Mail your complaint to the following address:
New Zealand Financial Brokers Limited
Complaints Officer
42 Ottawa Road, Ngaio

Wellington 6035


When we receive a complaint, we will handle your complaint in an open and transparent manner and will endeavour to resolve your complaint fairly and within 20 days. If we have not resolved your complaint within 20 days we will provide you with a written update as to the reason for the delay, what action is underway to resolve your complaint and advise you of the anticipated timeframe for a response.

In handling your complaint, there are a number of remedies available to us, including but not limited to;

  • An apology or explanation;

  • Liaison with insurers and/or premium funders to find a mutually agreeable outcome to your complaint;

  • Claims advocacy including support to address your complaint via the Insurer internal dispute resolution process.

If you are unable to resolve your complaint with NZFB, you may refer it to Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL), of which NZFB is a member.  FSCL is an approved independent dispute resolution scheme which handles complaints against financial service providers, including insurance brokers.  FSCL is free to consumers and its decisions are binding on New Zealand Financial Brokers Limited (but not on you).  Further information about FSCL is available from NZFB and/or from


You may contact FSCL directly on 0800 347 257.




The Plus 4 philosophy is catching on around the country.  Each business has undergone a rigorous testing process to ensure the service and products delivered to you meet the PlusFour quality standard, every time

NZFB House

42 Ottawa Road Ngaio

Wellington 6035


Phone (04) 385-8448



Insurance advisernet is a national network of Fire and General Insurance Brokers transacting over $2bn in premiums in the Australian and New Zealand Insurance market

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